

Ok so I recently discovered Les Miserables the musical, damnit I feel live I've been living inside a rock for a long long time. I think this character is recocgnizable but I think she ought to look a little paler... :P. 

Anyway I'm having a MAJOR block. Can't draw or write anything decently... And I'm stuck at work! T.T Can anyone help me out so I can get back on track?

BTW,  I'm going to Komikooo~n yaay


Kim P looks fine

...and Ramona Flowers too.

Another Scott Pilgrim fanart. I'm totally diggin' Brian Lee O'Malley's comics.


La Belle Rouge

Just a little pen sketch colored in Photoshop. I wanted to mimic Kevin O'Neill's line style in LoEG c:


AS Scrooge?

For my Friends. Srsly I'm going to buy a scanner :T